Update a Digital Product File

Looking to release an updated version of one of your products? You can do that in a snap! All you'll want to do is log into your Payhip account, go to your Products, and click Edit for the product that you'd like to update.

Screenshot showing the edit product button on Payhip

After doing so, click Delete on the product that you wish to remove.

Screenshot showing you where to delete a digital product on Payhip

And confirm by saying Yes, delete it.

Please note that this will permanently delete the file from your Payhip product.

Delete confirmation modal on Payhip

Then upload the product you wish to be shown by clicking on Upload Another Product File.

Once this has been done, make sure to click Save Changes at the bottom of the page or your product will have no file associated with it.

Uploading a digital product file in Payhip

If you wish to inform existing buyers of this change, you can do so by sending an email update to your customers with the download link available. More information about this can be found here: Email Updates.

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