
A great way to keep in touch with potential customers is by sending out a newsletter with updates on your store and products.

With our mailing list integrations, customers can automatically be added to your email list after they make a purchase on your store, but how do you get in those all-important touches that will lead them to the point of purchase?

In the store builder, you can add a Newsletter section that will add the person’s email to your list of followers on Payhip, from which they can be manually exported into your email software. More on that here: Followers and Subscribers

To capture emails and have them automatically added to your mailing list before the customer makes a purchase, you’ll want to embed your own form from your email service provider. We’ll show you how below.

Embed an email signup form on your store

You can add an email signup form to your store in a couple of quick steps.

Please note that, before getting started, you’ll need to make sure that your store is at a custom domain (e.g. rather than You can find instructions on how to set up a custom domain here.

Step 1. Get the embed code from your email provider

First, you need to create your form on your email service provider’s website and then copy the embed code that they give you.

Where possible, be sure to use a javascript embed code rather than HTML as, that way, changes you make to the form will automatically be reflected on your store. If you use HTML, you’ll need to reinstall the code snippet whenever you make changes to the form.

See the list below for how to do that in some of the most common email marketing software:

Step 2. Add a code snippet to your store header

For most email providers, you can skip this step. However, if your provider requires you to add some code before the </head> tag on every page of your website, here’s how to do that:

  1. Log into your Payhip account.
  2. Launch the store builder by going to Store in the top navigation bar, then clicking Launch Your Store Builder (or by clicking Account > Store Builder).
  3. Click Change store style > Advanced.
  4. Paste the code snippet into the Header HTML/JS Code Injection field.

    A screenshot of the Header HTML/JS Code Injection field on Payhip
  5. Save your changes.

Step 3. Add the embed code to your Payhip store

Now you’re ready to add the form to your store. To do that:

  1. Log into your Payhip account.
  2. Launch the store builder by going to Store in the top navigation bar, then clicking Launch Your Store Builder (or by clicking Account > Store Builder).
  3. Click Add section and scroll down to choose Embed Code.

    A screenshot of the "Add section" modal on Payhip with the cursor hovering over the "Embed Code" option

  4. Paste the code snippet you got from your email provider into the Embed Code field. (You can also give the section a heading if you’d like to; otherwise, leave the Heading field blank.)

    A screenshot of the fields for an Embed Code section in the Payhip store builder
  5. Publish your changes.

And that’s it! To view your newly installed form, you’ll want to visit your live store, as embedded code cannot be previewed in the store builder.

Hopefully, this article helps you to add an email signup form to your store so that you can grow your mailing list. If you get stuck at any point, feel free to reach out to our customer support team at

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