
Drip is an email marketing platform that empowers businesses to create and send targeted email campaigns. It's designed to help sellers like you build and nurture customer relationships through email marketing.

When you connect Drip with Payhip, you enable the integration of these two platforms. This integration allows you to automatically add customers who make purchases on Payhip to your Drip email list or segment. This guide will walk you through the steps to connect Drip with Payhip.

Step 1: Access your Drip Account

If you already have a Drip account, visit their website and click the "Sign in" link. This will take you to their login page, where you can enter your email address and password to access your existing Drip account.

If you don't have an account with Drip yet, you can easily register for an account using this link. On the signup page, you can follow the prompts to create a free account. After completing the signup process, you will then have access to your account.

Step 2: Generate your API Key

To generate an API key in Drip, go to your dashboard and select "User Settings." Inside User Settings, you'll find an option to create a custom API integration by generating a new API key. Just click on "Generate a New API Token" to create it.

Once you've successfully generated the API key, you'll see it listed under the third-party applications granted access to your Drip account. Sometimes, you may see multiple entries for the same application if it's been reauthorized.

If API access isn't enabled in your Drip account, please contact Drip support at support@drip.com for assistance.

Step 3: Connect Drip to Payhip

The next step requires you to access your Payhip account settings. From your Marketing page, find the "Mailing Lists" tab, followed by the "Setup Mailing Lists" button. From the options provided, choose Drip as your email service of choice. Please ensure you already have your API key available before proceeding with this step, as it will be called for during this setup.

Step 4: Set up your mailing lists

Once you've created your mailing lists in Drip, the next thing to do is connect them to your products on Payhip. When editing a product, just turn on the "Automatically enroll customers in a mailing list" option in Advanced Settings. This means that customers will be added to your chosen mailing list automatically after they make a successful purchase.

Step 5: Verify the Integration

It's recommended to make a trial purchase to confirm the integration between Campaign Monitor and Payhip. This step guarantees that customers are efficiently and automatically included in the mailing list when they complete their purchase.

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