
ActiveCampaign is an email marketing platform that you can link to your Payhip account. When a customer makes a purchase through your Payhip store, this connection automatically adds them to your mailing list.

This guide will walk you through the steps to connect ActiveCampaign with Payhip.

Step 1: Access your ActiveCampaign Account

Before connecting ActiveCampaign to Payhip, make sure you have an active ActiveCampaign account. If you already have one, please log in to your ActiveCampaign account.

New users can sign up for an ActiveCampaign account by following the registration process. Once your ActiveCampaign account is set up, you can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Generate your API Key

Connecting ActiveCampaign with Payhip requires an API key, which acts as the secure bridge for Payhip to access your ActiveCampaign account and automatically add customers to your mailing list.

On your ActiveCampaign dashboard, look for the gear icon in the left menu and click on it to access your account settings. You'll find the "Developer" option within the account settings menu. You'll then see your API URL and key, which you need to copy and paste into Payhip.

Step 3: Connect ActiveCampaign to Payhip

To proceed, access your Payhip dashboard, then head to the Marketing Page. Within the Marketing Page, find the "Mailing Lists" tab. Locate and click on the "Setup Mailing Lists" button, and from the available choices, select Active Campaign. Paste the API URL and key generated in step 2 and click the "Save Details" button.

Step 4: Set up your mailing lists

Start by making a mailing list in ActiveCampaign, which they call "Lists" within their platform. These forms will be displayed as mailing lists in Payhip.

To link a specific mailing list to each product, you will need to enable the "Automatically subscribe customers to a mailing list" setting in Advanced Options when editing a product. This will ensure that customers are added to that mailing list after making a successful purchase.

Make sure you keep your changes safe by clicking the "Save Changes" button at the bottom. This step guarantees that customers who purchased this product will be added to your selected mailing list.

Step 5: Verify the Integration

It's a smart idea to do a test purchase to confirm that ActiveCampaign and Payhip are working together. If everything is set up correctly, your dashboard will show a message saying, "You have successfully connected mailing lists for Active Campaign."

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