Checkout Redirect

By default after checkout, customers will be shown a download link for the product(s) that they’ve purchased. If you’d like to, you can choose a different page for them to be taken to; e.g. your own custom thank you or checkout success page.

Set up a checkout redirect

To set up a checkout redirect, in your admin dashboard navigate to “Account” > “Settings” > “Advanced Settings” and scroll down to “Checkout Settings”.

Then select the checkbox for “Redirect customers to a particular webpage when they successfully complete the checkout”. This will bring up the option to “Add success redirect”, which you’ll need to click.

You then have two steps to take:

Step 1. Enter the URL for the webpage that you’d like customers to be taken to after checkout (be sure to include the http:// or https://)

Step 2. Choose whether this redirect should be applied to all of your products, or just a specific one.

Key note

Adding a checkout redirect means that customers buying digital products won’t be able to instantly download them after they complete the checkout process. You’ll need to remind them on the page where they’re redirected to check their email for the download link. If customers are purchasing physical or subscription products, they’ll also need to be reminded to check their emails for the receipt.
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