
Coupon codes allow you to run promotions for your products by offering a discount to clients who have a specific code.

Add a coupon code

To add a coupon code, click on “Marketing” in the top menu. This by default will land you on the “Coupons” page.

Once you’ve clicked on the “Add Coupon Code” button, a modal will appear as shown below:

Apply coupon to:

From the dropdown list, select the product you would like to attach a coupon code to. You can also select the coupon code to be applicable to all products if you’d like.

Coupon code:

A coupon code will be generated by default, but if you’d like to choose a code that is more specific to your promotion, you can update the “Coupon code” field. For example, you could set the code as “1YEAR” and only give it to customers who’ve been with you for over a year.

Discount type:

You can choose from the 2 discount types: Percentage or Fixed amount discount.

If you opt for the "Percentage discount" choice, you have the ability to provide customers with a discount based on a percentage of the original price using the coupon code. Alternatively, when you choose the "Fixed amount discount" option, you can specify a specific amount that will be deducted as a discount for your customers.

Number of times coupon can be used:

If you want to restrict the usage of your coupon code to a specific number of times, simply uncheck the option to enter your desired limit.

This sets the number of times the coupon can be used overall, not how many times it can be used per customer. Consider making the code for a specific product if you want it to only be used once per customer. Or, set up separate coupon codes with one usage each.

Coupon expiry date (UTC):

Another option is to make the coupon code expire on a certain date, which is great for adding some urgency to your promotion. You can do this by unchecking the box for “Coupon expiry date” and choosing a date.

Coupon expiry is based in UTC. So if a coupon is set to expire on January 1st, it will expire as soon as it's January 1st at 00:00 UTC.


This option appears only when a specific pricing plan (e.g. recurring, fixed payment plans and etc.) is selected when setting up the coupon. 

To provide your customers with an ongoing discounted offer, select the "Forever" option. If you prefer a one-time discount, choose "Once." By selecting "Multiple months," you can specify the exact number of months for which the customer can avail of the offer.

Once you’re finished, simply click on the “Create Coupon Now” button and your coupon will be created! 

You can come back to this page at any time to see how often your code has been used. Select “Edit” to update the details if you need to. Or, click the “X” button to delete the code.

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