Pay What You Want Pricing

With Payhip, you can set up Pay What You Want (PWYW) pricing. This is useful if you want to take donations or if you want your buyers to be generous when they buy.

PWYW pricing is currently only available for physical and digital products.

To enable this feature, all you need to do is type a “+” sign at the end of your price.

For example, if you type “0+” in the price field, your customers can choose any price (including free) to pay for your product. If you type “5+,” your customers must pay $5 as a minimum but have the choice to pay more above that figure.

This is what PWYW pricing looks like on the product page:

It's important to note that Stripe does not allow its platform to be used for donations or tips without offering something in return. This means that you can't simply set up a payment link or button for people to donate or tip you directly without providing a tangible product or service in exchange.

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