Hide a Product

You are able to hide digital products from the main store page where all of your products are listed.

In this article:

How to hide a product

To hide a product, head to  Products and choose to Edit the product that you want to hide. 

Scroll down to Visibility and you'll see three options:

  • Visible - Everyone can see this product
  • Invisible - Nobody except you can see this product
  • Unlisted - Only people who know the direct link to this product can see it. Won't be listed alongside other products on your store.

Choose which setting you'd like and hit Save Changes to update the product visibility.

Uses for hidden products

Use Invisible to completely remove the product from your store. This is useful, for example, if the product is temporarily unavailable for some reason.

Use Unlisted when you still want the product available for sale, but want to remove it from your main store page and collection pages. This comes in handy if there's a product that you only want to offer to a certain group of people - simply give out the direct product link to anyone you want to have access, and that's it!

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