

Wishlists are a great option for letting your customers save your products to buy later on. They'll be able to simply click the "Add to wishlist" link on your product page and it will be saved to their wishlists page. 


How to find wishlists

Your customer can take the following steps:

  • Login to their account
  • Switch to the "Customer" account type from the header dropdown
  • From their customer account click the "Wishlists" link in the header dropdown

All products that have been wishlisted will be listed there.


Wishlists are a great approach when it comes to gifting. Customers can share their wishlist page with their friends which will let them know which products they're most excited about.

Enabling and disabling wishlists

To enable or disable wishlists on your store you can visit your store builder and then take the following steps:

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