Add Social Profiles

Having social media links on your website might seem insignificant, but this plays a crucial role in building trust and showing authenticity to your customers. This article goes over how you can add your social profiles to your Payhip store. 

Enabling your social media icons

The first step is to add your link to your social media profiles in your account settings specifically under the Your Store tab. On this page, you're able to add the links of your Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest accounts which will show up as icons on your Payhip store. 

Add social icons to the About Me section

After you have successfully added the links, open your Store Builder and find the "About Me" section on your website. Click on it and scroll down until you see the Advanced section where you'll find the "Show social media icons" setting.

Selecting  "Yes" from the drop-down will enable this feature and publishing the changes will show the clickable social media icons on your store that will redirect visitors to your social media profiles online.

Add social icons to Footer

Another area where you can add your social icons is at the bottom of your Payhip store. On the  Store Builder, click the "Footer" section. Make sure the Footer type is set to "Simple" otherwise you wouldn't see the option to enable the social icons. Once again, you need to select "Yes" from the drop-down and this will show the clickable social media icons on your store.

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